Team Health for Fun and Profit
Beer taps and ping pong tables are great!
So why does everybody leave?
The Ideal Worker
- Fully available for the job
- No personal responsibilities
- 60-80 hour weeks
- No say of when or where work is done
Harvard Business Review Why Some Men Pretend to Work 80 Hour Weeks
Self Care is Best Care

Career Limiting Advice Follows
Fourty Hours, No More
- Health Suffers
- Work Suffers
Long Hours Kill
Working 55 hours or more per week:
- 13% more likely to have a heart attack
- 33% more likely to have a stroke
Only the overworked die young
Long Hours are Bad Business
Reducing the work day from 9 hours to 8 hours gives better than 10% boost in productivity.
“Ernst Abbe, the head of one of the greatest German factories, wrote many years ago that the shortening from nine to eight hours, that is, a cutting-down of more than 10 per cent, did not involve a reduction of the day’s product, but an increase”
Hugo Muensterberg, “Psychology and Industrial Efficiency” (1913)
Work is not Life

- Have a place to go away from work.
- Make sure your cat knows that you live there.
the stable tendency of excessive and compulsive working
Are You a Workaholic?
- You think of how you can free up more time to work.
- You spend much more time working than initially intended.
- You work in order to reduce feelings of guilt, anxiety, helplessness or depression.
- You have been told by others to cut down on work without listening to them.
- You become stressed if you are prohibited from working.
- You deprioritize hobbies, leisure activities, and/or exercise because of your work.
- You work so much that it has negatively influenced your health.
Workaholism tied to psychiatric disorders
The Wake

Your Body Wants to Move
You don’t need to run marathons. But it wouldn’t hurt.
Balance, Not Balance Balls
You Are a Leader
Leadership doesn’t come with a title. Leadership is how you help other people.
If I speak but do not have love, I am only a clanging cymbal.
I Corinthians 13:1
Clock Punchers
- Work 40 hours.
- Have priorities other than work.
- Insufficiently dedicated to the team.
- Passed over for promotions, raises, and preferable work assignments.
Be a Clock Puncher
- Don’t be part of the problem.
- It’s a job, not a suicide cult.
- Leave on time.
- Invite reluctant colleagues out to lunch.
Build a Team of Clock Punchers
Team Accountability
We must all hang together, or we shall surely hang individually.
Make Sure the Work Gets Done
- Make sure management has visibility into work status
- Make sure management is aware of risks and problems
- Make work units small enough to understand and report on easily
Bring Problems to the Team
If the team owns the problems, the team will also own the results.
The Team Owns The Work
- No individual work assignments
- There is nothing beneath your pay grade
Self Care is Best Care
- Take care of yourself
- You are your brother’s keeper
Management Can’t Watch You 24⁄7
If the work is getting done, management won’t care if you’re in the office or not.
Fix Your Work
Small Tasks
- Easy to track progress
- Easy to spot risks
Share Your Work
- Show work in progress to consumers to get regular feedback
- Prioritize work to show visible value
Surface Problems Early
Covering Your Ass lies about the true situation.
Micromanagement will follow.
Thank You